Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Episode 13

2040 ep 13Atom Heart Mother

Episode: #13

Namesake: Pink Floyd song and album

Sylia has gone to China Town to find a man named Dr. Zhang, who used to work for her father. She is looking for both answers and a favor. Zhang wishes to use their meeting as an opportunity to atone for past acts against her and agrees to tell her about the Dragon Line.

Priss has torn up her bike again and has brought it to Nigel’s. Nene arrives not long after and takes the opportunity to talk to her. She wants to know more about Sylia, specifically her past and childhood. She would like to know what it was that her father had done to make Sylia so disgusted by boomers.

Sylia used what they know about the monster to try to make a way to discover the lab before Mason can find it. She makes arrangements with Nigel to get equipment.

Later, Nigel and Macky are working on a motorcycle when a man in a suit arrives to talk to Nigel. He blows off Nene’s greeting as she arrives not long after. She then goes over to Macky to ask him about his and Sylia’s childhood.

Sylia later asks the girls to search for the Wiz Lab, Priss asks if it was Sylia’s father’s, Sylia refuses to go into details. Nene then demands to know about Macky, the accident at the lab, and the earthquake that happened after. When Sylia refuses to explain, Nene storms out of the room. Knowing that they are being used, Priss and Linna agree to stay.

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