AD Police Chapter 4.1

adp 4.1File – 4.1

On board a space station orbiting the earth, workers are doing a space walk when an escape pod is launched. When they go to investigate, they find a dead worker.

The owners of the station make efforts to hide the fact that a group of boomers killed some workers, stole their drugs, and fled to earth. They also begin to try to track them down.

In an earthquake-ravaged part of town, a pair of boomers are hiding from the police. In a back room, they have a man tied up and gagged. The two boomers tease him with a syringe filled with an intravenous drug. The man agrees to do what they want him to do in exchange for the drug.

Once the drug takes effect, they then hook him up to some computers. They order him to hack into Genom’s data-banks to find the programming for a boomer brain. However, Genom was on to them and the man’s brain is fried. The boomers are still determined to give themselves free will. The leader of the quartet believes that he is the Messiah of Boomers.

End of Chapter

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