AD Police Chapter 4.2

adp 4.2File – 4.2

Jeena is watching a newscast about four boomers committing crimes in the city. They killed a store manager and stole his supply of boomers. However, one of the four boomers was destroyed in the process. Jeena is suspicious of the Space Development Public Corporation’s (SDPC) empty pod story. Leon hears out her theory but thinks that she is reaching a bit.
One of the rogue boomers is stopped by SDPC agents and moves to escape. It receives damage but manages to kill the two agents.

The SDPC learns that the boomers were behind the hacking attempt and feel they are not acting like typical rogue boomers. They begin to wonder if their electronic brains weren’t damaged in some way. (Boomer brains function much like human brains, but with two to three levels of blocks in order to keep them under control. If the blocks are removed or damaged, then the boomer would then be capable of acquiring a sense of self and can then act on their own accord.)

55 returns and finds 28 has connected a pile of boomers together. 28 is disappointed when 55 has failed to bring the parts he wanted. 28 orders him out again, then becomes agitated when 55 questions him. When 55 goes to 77 to get his arm fixed, she tells him that she believes in 28 and that he promised to use his device to give her a soul. However, her model is incapable of having a soul and she is only acting how she has been programmed to.

55 then contemplates his existence and 28’s purpose. Meanwhile, 28 is fussing over not having parts and takes it out on 77. Until he gets an idea…

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