Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Episode 03

2040 ep 03“Keep Me Hanging On”

Episode: #3
Namesake: Supremes song, various covers

Priss arrives at Nigel’s garage, asking him to look over her bike. It is mostly just a ploy so that she could relay Sylia’s request for him to build another hardsuit.

Nene is on duty and is bored. When Leon comes in looking for a favor, she picks on him as she usually does. She does bring up the video that he requested but then proceeds to adjust it so that they are unwatchable. Leon then leaves disappointed.

Meanwhile, Linna is at work. She is thinking back to the simulator and starting to doubt herself. She narrowly avoids getting into trouble with the boomer-manager yet again.

Nigel has come around to the pit to assemble Linna’s new hardsuit. While he’s working Sylia wants to talk, but Nigel isn’t into it.

Nene and Linna have met for supper and are discussing the Knight Sabers and about how Nene came to join the team. The boomer waitress that had been serving them is being harassed by another customer of the restaurant. Linna gets angry and stands up for the boomer, making a scene. The incident then causes the waitress model to slowly begin to go rogue.

Linna and Nene are beginning to become friends, and on their way to the pit, Nene explains to Linna about the hectic life of a Knight Saber. She also makes an attempt to explain Priss.

Rosenkreutz and Mason are talking about the design flaws in the boomer methyl-batteries. They know that they are in part behind the cause of the boomers going rogue. The existence of the AD Police is just a means to prevent action on part of the Normal Police.

The waitress boomer has become a full-blown rogue and is beginning to rampage inside the restaurant. Priss happens to be passing by and heedless of her own safety, runs inside. She then confronts the rogue boomer with a pipe, enabling a trapped restaurant employee to escape.

When Linna and Nene arrive at the pit, they learn that Linna’s hardsuit is finished. Nene is a bit jealous of the updated design as Linna promptly goes to try it on. She is amazed at how light it feels, having expected it to be heavy. Meanwhile, Priss calls in to report the boomer and that she needs help.

Nene questions Sylia’s decision to send Linna in with no actual experience and an unproven hardsuit as she helps Linna to finish getting ready. Linna is a bit scared but says that she is ready to go. On their way to the restaurant, Nene gives her a crash course in how to jump properly, only to feel inadequate compared to Linna’s natural ability.

Nene and Linna arrive moments after Daley and Leon arrive. And none too soon, as the boomer has set its sights on Priss.

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