Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Galatea

2040 galateaGalatea

Age: N/A

Occupation: ‘Freedom-fighter’


Galatea is the progeny of Katsuhito Stingray’s research and experiments. It is unclear what Stingray’s purpose was when he brought Galatea into being, but he gave up a lot for doing so: his family, and ultimately his life. Physically, she is almost identical to Sylia in appearance, but with noticeable differences in carriage and mannerisms.


Galatea questions her existence and her purpose in life. She was in the form of a child, but no one loved her. She couldn’t understand why the people who made her were afraid of her and what she could do. This prompted her to act out, to be feared more. When she was reawakened, she began to mature under Mason and Macky’s influence, the latter teaching her to read. Mason allowed her to act out, to a degree. She went rogue further, more radical and insane. She soon came to chafe at Mason’s restrictions.


Originally a secret boomer project run by Dr. Stingray, Galatea was created from an “anti-seed” implanted within his daughter’s hypothalamus. He would then harvest the resulting cell growth and create a humanoid form for it, one that was almost identical to Sylia. Stingray called her the Sotai.

After Galatea was created, Macky came next, and the boomers came after them. She saw them as her “maimed” and deformed “children,” as that they possessed a small spark of her life force. Galatea would then go rogue, using her powers to kill those who had created her. To stop her from escaping the lab, an artificial earthquake device was detonated, trapping her. She would then spend the next six and a half years “hibernating” in her containment chamber until Sylia had failed to destroy her with a microwave cannon.

Her emergence from the chamber caused the boomers and hard-suits to go rogue from the exposure to her essence. Unimpeded, Mason took the ‘girl’ back to the Genom tower. There, she was ‘nurtured’ as she rapidly matured from a young Sylia into a young woman dark in appearance and mentality. With her abilities, she then began to tear the city apart.

She first targeted the ADP tower to use the communications array to spread her contamination over the city, later having to resort to using the Dragon Line. Not long after, she set her sights on the Umbrella. She had begun to contemplate her existence, wondering if she was to be subservient to man or to be their masters. Priss’ resistance to her attempts to make her into her anti-seed made her see the error of her ways. As she dies, she helps Priss make it back to earth safely.

It was there that she contemplated her existence and finally understood the purpose of life.


Galatea is the ‘progenitor’ of the boomer ‘race’, and as such her abilities weren’t restricted by industry. It was her self-awareness that unlocked the Sotai Phenomena to allow her to ‘awaken’ her “maimed and crippled children.”


*Galatea is not Sylia’s child, her sister, or a clone. She was “born a woman without sin.”

*Young children have yet to form the distinctions between right from wrong and are basically little sociopaths.

*Galatea’s possible namesake comes from a Greek legend regarding a statue of a woman carved by a man named Pygmalion, which was made real for him by the goddess Venus — a creator’s obsession.

Voice Acting

Yui Horie (Japanese)
Laura Chapman (English)

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