Bubblegum Crisis Grand Mal Chapter 4

mal chap 4Chapter Four

Leon returns to the ADP tower after his day off and is briefed about what happened by Daley. All traces of the memory module had been wiped from the ADP computer, and the shot up Knight Saber was carried off by a red mech.

At Genom tower, one the “Assets” is complaining about the Genom “organics” disregarding her advice. Her companion turns the topic to Vashnevskaya and his mech. He believes him to be a substantial threat.

Vashnevskaya and his team had been hit by electromagnetic fields designed to disrupt human neural activity. He had been the only one to survive the attack, but his temporal lobe was left covered in micro-lesions. Ultimately fatal, they are the source of his violent episodes. Then, two weeks prior to his assault on the ADP, he is contacted by a suit and informed that his three-year-old mission is still viable. Vashnevskaya is sure that it’s a trap, but goes along with it, figuring that he has nothing left to lose.

Back at Knight Saber HQ, Priss is resting while the others are in a state of readiness. Mackie comes in to tell them he’s got the motoslave working again, only to run back out when Nene gets mad at Priss for teasing him. Meanwhile, Sylia was going through the files Nene had recovered. She has a good idea of what Vashnevskaya and his mech are after – Genom’s “Intellectual Assets” (Artificial beings, neurologically enhanced.)

While Vahsnevskaya is preparing to go after his target, both of Genom’s “assets” and the Knight Sabers believe that he will attack Genom tower. However, he and the altered combat boomers attack the Knight Sabers instead. Sylia realizes too late that she is the intended target. While Linna works to free Nene, Priss takes up the beam cannon from her hard-suit and goes to save Sylia. The boomers are working to disable all of them, starting with Sylia and Linna.

Vashnevskaya reveals himself to Priss, mocking her and the Knight Sabers. She promptly points the beam cannon at him. At the same time, the boomers have shattered Sylia’s helmet and confirmed she is their target. As she frees herself, Nene is trying to sever the link between the mech and the boomers. Sylia then finds that Priss is being held by Vashnevskaya, only to have him begin to go into a homicidal episode. Just as the mini-gun is pointed at them, Nene and a freshly altered combat boomer attack him.

Being severely damaged, the Skorpion begins to go into self-destruct mode. Vashnevskaya tells the girls to get out, Nene verifying what he is saying. Mackie arrives just as the initial explosions begin and the girls come out. They are driving away as the building explodes entirely, destroying the evidence. Priss offers up a short prayer for Vashnevskaya before switching off the monitor.

The End

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